Thursday, June 5, 2008

The littlest things...

These were shot using the 'digital macro' function on the cam. It is for objects 3-10 CENTIMETERS away from the lens. We're talking close, people!

The first three are Shawn's work, he's the one who inspired me to take the pics of tiny things.

My wedding ring - what's amazing is you can see the little flaws in the big diamond! I can barely see those with my own eyes!!

And I love my Coach bags, not as much as I used to, but I still love them.

The key to our first home...


Andrea said...

Those are awesome, what kind of camera did you get, and I had no idea you like photography!!!!

Nichole, Jeff & Audrey (aka Peanut) said...

Wow your pics are gerat !! I love the phone shot.. the angle is awesome on that one